Endorsement – Dave Gobbett

Thanks Dave for your kind endorsement!

That the powerful king of the universe is a God of passionate love makes for glorious biblical theology. That he would relentlessly pursue a sinner like me in such love is simply mind-blowing. But the apostle Paul wanted his readers to grasp this truth deep down (Eph. 3:18-19), and so does Peter Mead in his moving new devotional. Read, reflect and be lost in wonder.
Dave Gobbett, Lead Minister, Highfields Church, Cardiff
& Word Alive trustee

Marriage in the Bible!

focl5Is there a bigger image than marriage in the Bible?  In this brief video, Peter Mead suggests that marriage is the biggest image in the Bible.  Not only is it the great image, but it is there to point to the great marriage which is God’s marriage with humanity.

Lost in Wonder is coming soon – a Biblical introduction to God’s great marriage.  More information coming soon!  (To pre-order in the UK – click here)