
Endorsements for Lost in Wonder:

This wonderful book by Peter Mead talks about our greatest and most important relationship ever; our relationship with God himself. There is a place in our heart for God, that absolutely nothing else can satisfy. Read this book with an open heart and let your hunger for His grace and presence grow.

Leif Nummela, Author and Bible Teacher, Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission, Helsinki, Finland.

At a time when the institution of marriage and the practice of it is under threat from multiple directions, it’s imperative that we keep a biblical view of its divine origin and purpose. We also need to lift our eyes above the day-to-day practicalities of maintaining healthy marriages and see God’s grand and beautiful design for marriage, which is far higher and greater than merely our happiness in this world. This book does both with a remarkably comprehensive tour of the Bible’s teaching on marriage. if ever a book earned its title, this one did, as I closed its pages “Lost in Wonder.”
Dr. David Murray, Pastor and Professor, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids

There are many Bible overviews that trace God’s plans through Scripture. Lost In Wonder explores God’s passion, his proposal. From Genesis to Revelation we see the triune God’s unstoppable marital love for we unworthy recipients. Read this book to grasp not only the heart of the Scriptures but the heart of God.

Glen Scrivener, Evangelist, Speak Life, Eastbourne, East Sussex, England

That the powerful king of the universe is a God of passionate love makes for glorious biblical theology. That he would relentlessly pursue a sinner like me in such love is simply mind-blowing. But the apostle Paul wanted his readers to grasp this truth deep down (Eph. 3:18-19), and so does Peter Mead in his moving new devotional. Read, reflect and be lost in wonder.
Dave Gobbett, Lead Minister, Highfields Church, Cardiff, Wales & Word Alive trustee


Endorsements for Pleased to Dwell:

Re-reading Pleased to Dwell – profound theology presented very simply, it sings at every level!

Jonathan West, Carlisle

What a really useful resource! I will definitely be reaching for this book … and I’m looking for freshness and depth, as Christ’s coming at Christmas is preached once more.As I read through it, I found that ideas for carol service talks just kept leaping off its pages.

Rico Tice, co-author of Christianity Explored, Associate Minister at All Souls Church Langham Place, London

One of the deepest and most fulfilling joys one could experience on earth is that of drinking from the deep well of God’s truth. But most Christians believe that such pursuits are reserved for those who have been initiated to the intricacies of theological study. In this book we see the profound truths of the incarnation presented in a way that makes the Bible and its truth come alive. And, best of all, it is presented in an engaging style that makes it accessible to ordinary laypersons.

Ajith Fernando, Teaching Director, Youth for Christ, Sri Lanka

Tragically, on his birthday, the profound significance of why Jesus came to earth tends to get lost in the crush of the celebration. But now, thanks to Peter Mead, the story of the most significant birth in history has been brought back to its proper place in this compelling read. ‘Pleased To Dwell’ traces the promised hope of his arrival from the prophetic voices of the Old Testament to the actual event and its transforming relevance to our lives today. This book is perfect food for the heart for all of us who long for a richer understanding of the birth of The King!

Joseph M. Stowell, President, Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, U.S.A.

A bright and breezy (and therefore very readable) sprint through the Bible’s story of Jesus, from Genesis to Revelation. With brief and accessible chapters, it would make an ideal Quiet Times book for the run up to Christmas, as well as a perfect introduction to these foundational truths for a young believer. Thoroughly recommended.

Mark Meynell, European Director, Langham Preaching, author of Cross-Examined.

What unites the Scriptures? A plan of salvation? A pattern of redemption? Promises of abstract blessings? Peter Mead answers with heart-warming clarity: a Person. It’s the Person of Christ who is communicated on every page – a Person who longs to be known personally. “Pleased to Dwell” walks us through the Bible to see its central Character afresh and to rejoice in His desire to draw near. This book will surprise, teach, encourage and gladden you as you encounter Jesus in both Old and New Testaments.

Glen ScrivenerEvangelist, author of 3-2-1.

I have a confession to make… I don’t like Christmas! At least by Christmas I mean the tinsel and the trimmings that fill our shops earlier and earlier every year. But in this easily  accessible and encouraging book Peter Mead shows us that the true heart of Christmas, the incarnation, is something to rejoice in every day of the year. This book is for life and not just for Christmas!

Michael Ots, Evangelist, author of What Kind of God?

Peter Mead offers a wonderful presentation of Jesus that brings together more of the Bible than you’ll find anywhere else.  It’s a tour de force in tracing themes of Christ coming from heaven to humanity.  It’s also a lively and compelling read. Peter leads readers into the Bible with a crisp clarity that brings out Old and New Testament connections that have always been there. If you’d like to know Jesus better you must read this book!

Ronald N. Frost, Pastoral Care Consultant, Barnabas International

Through a clear and accessible explanation of the profound miracle of the incarnation, Peter Mead provides not only an illuminating Bible overview but a call to trust the Lord Jesus who is central to God’s purposes. An ideal introduction to a profound theme – and a great Christmas present!

Jonathan Lamb, CEO and minister-at-large for Keswick Ministries, and IFES Vice President

At the heart of the Christmas story is the earth-shattering truth that Jesus Christ is “Immanuel” – God with us.  Peter Mead presents the glorious story of the Incarnation.  Pleased to Dwell will help your heart ache with divine beauty and yearn for the life, peace and wonder of knowing God Himself.

Marcus Honeysett, Director of Living Leadership, speaker, author of Finding Joy: A Radical Rediscovery of Grace

Watching and knowing Peter Mead and to see God’s hand on his ministry has been a huge personal blessing.   He is a great student of God’s Word and here is a chance to get to learn something from all that God has given him in many years of study.   Read it with expectation and pass copies on to others!

George Verwer, Founder of Operation Mobilisation.

“God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son” – this is the greatest love story ever told.  This wonderful book tells the awesome story of God giving his Son in a way that is thoroughly biblical and deeply engaging. Peter Mead masterfully handles sweeping vistas while paying close attention to textual details, all with an engaging enthusiasm. Whether you are exploring the claims of Christianity for the first time, a new believer seeking to understand the Bible better, or a seasoned Christian wanting to reinvigorate your love for Christ, this book is a must read. It is also perfect if you are a preacher looking to present the “big picture” of the gospel or planning a Christmas preaching series.  I wholeheartedly recommend Pleased to Dwell, and I am sure that many will love the Savior more as a result of reading this!

Alexander Strauch, Author of Biblical Eldership, conference speaker and elder at Littleton Bible Chapel, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.

The doctrine of the incarnation is deeply embedded within the Biblical storyline but if we limit ourselves to the nativity texts and a few Pauline verses we will miss this richness.  In this helpful book Peter Mead tells the big story of the incarnation tracing it through from Old Testament to New.  He tells the story as a story which not only helps the reader to appreciate the various scriptures in their own right but also to see how magnificently God planned this great event.  Peter reminds us that Abraham, Moses and the Old Testament prophets paved the way for the Messiah to come while the New Testament generation experienced the reality of the incarnation first hand.  The book is written with clarity and freshness and flows in a way that makes reading enjoyable as well as a blessing.  It is a work of biblical theology and comes not from the pen of a systematic theologian but a preacher who appreciates the need to communicate biblical truth in an engaging way.  It treats the incarnation with reverence while at the same time demonstrating the practical importance of this doctrine in the life of every Christian.  This book could be read anytime but would be great tool for personal spiritual preparation for the event of Christmas and could form the basis of a Christmas time teaching series.  I recommend it highly.

Stephen McQuoid, General Director of Gospel Literature Outreach, Motherwell, Scotland

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