
9781781919071We can sometimes fall into the trap of treating the gospel merely as a legal means of gaining forgiveness – like a marriage which exists only to pay the mortgage.  Lost in Wonder calls us back to the joy of our salvation and the sweetness of our first love for Christ. It is an energetic, biblical introduction to God’s great marriage – a glimpse into the beauty of our current and eternal union with Christ.  Peter Mead takes the gospel and marriage hand in hand so that both are left shining with a brightness which increases in brilliance each time we look at them.

There are many Bible overviews that trace God’s plans through Scripture. Lost In Wonder explores God’s passion, his proposal. Read this book to grasp not only the heart of the Scriptures but the heart of God.  Glen Scrivener

If ever a book earned its title, this one did, as I closed its pages “Lost in Wonder.”  David Murray

This new book by Peter Mead, Lost in Wonder: A Biblical Introduction to God’s Great Marriage, invites us all to rethink our perception of God with fresh categories. The truths explained here have certainly changed me, and I will never go back to the legalistic religion I used to lug around.  Ray Ortlund

There is a place in our heart for God, that absolutely nothing else can satisfy. Read this book with an open heart and let your hunger for His grace and presence grow.  Leif Nummela

That the powerful king of the universe is a God of passionate love makes for glorious biblical theology. That he would relentlessly pursue a sinner like me in such love is simply mind-blowing.  Dave Gobbett


Pleased to Dwell v3At the centre of heaven is Christ, lovingly adored as the forever Lord of all. At the centre of Christmas is Christ, frail and cradled in the tender arms of a young mother. How can the two be put together? Heavenly glory and human frailty? That is the real wonder of Christmas. Pleased to Dwell is an energetic biblical introduction to Christmas, to the Bible and to God Himself. It is an invitation to ponder the Incarnation, and a God who was pleased to dwell with us.

Building anticipation with the great themes of the Old Testament, enjoying the remarkably distinct birth narratives of Matthew, then Luke, before surveying some great New Testament passages, Pleased to Dwell is an engaging introduction to the wonder of the Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us. This book offers a wealth of ideas for preachers, an easy access mini-reference tool for Bible students, and an enjoyable cover-to-cover read for everyone. Twenty-four short chapters would make a great advent devotional, but this book is not just for Christmas. God’s Son stepped into our world and that changes every day of the year!

What a really useful resource! As I read through it, I found that ideas for carol service talks just kept leaping off its pages.  Rico Tice

This book is perfect food for the heart for all of us who long for a richer understanding of the birth of The King!  Joseph M. Stowell

…does a remarkable job of introducing us to the vast sweep of the Bible’s story and reminds us that the heart of the Bible is not a what, but a who – a person: Jesus Christ, the word became flesh. As I read this book I was pointed to Jesus Christ and led to marvel once again at the wonder of the incarnation.  Evangelicals Now


Foundations CoverYou may never have thought much about these questions. But the fact is we all have a working version of the answers. Instead of speculating about who God is, Peter Mead invites us to begin with the claim that God has revealed Himself in Jesus. What kind of a God emerges from that claim? What kind of a vision for human beings and human flourishing? Christians have a word for it – ‘gospel’. It means ‘good news’. We think that what emerges is good news – THE good news.

Having the right answers is one thing but Peter Mead goes deeper – he explores the right questions – questions of God, humanity, sin and salvation. By turning to Scripture this book gives us a surprising, satisfying and compelling foundation for life.  Glen Scrivener

Many people build their lives on a weak foundation of sand. In Foundations, Peter Mead introduces you to the one concrete foundation poured deep enough to hold your life steady!  Tony Reinke

Peter’s love of scripture, and his desire to see lives transformed bleed through the pages of this book.  Rick McKinley

The book of Acts tells of God’s plan for us to have relationship in the context of his grace. Foundations fills out this picture beautifully. Read and enjoy!  Darrell Bock

Peter Mead points to the preaching in Acts to provide answers to the important foundational questions that we want people to be asking when it comes to faith in Christ. This concise book is just what is needed to build belief and believers!  Scott M. Gibson


Lost in Wonder, Pleased to Dwell and Foundations were written by Peter Mead.  Peter is a mentor with Cor Deo, a small ministry that exists to multiply ministry that shares God’s heart.  He is also one of the pastors of Trinity Chippenham, a new church launched in 2014. Peter leads the Bible Teachers & Preachers Networks at the European Leadership Forum and teaches with Union School of Theology.  He studied at Multnomah Biblical Seminary and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.  Peter contributed to the Ministry Essentials Study Bible (Hendrickson, July 2014), and blogs regularly at BiblicalPreaching.net and CorDeo.  Peter is married to Melanie and they have six children – this is their family ministry website.

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